About Us

Vision / Mission



We are committed to build a society free from inequality, discrimination and oppression against Muslim women. We also determined to create substantial awareness by a collective and concerted efforts to empower the Muslim women after imparting them education and skill development.

Educational upliftment, economic self-radiance and social development mainly play pivotal role in the society and we are dedicated to work on these pillars for providing adequate opportunities to Muslim women in India and abroad.

Our goal is to nurture and realise the dream of every Muslim girl child and woman so that she could not only be self-dependent but also contribute immensely in building the society/nation.


Generation support for the welfare of Muslim women from governmental and non-governmental organisation.

To organize events such as - seminars, discussions, health camps, legal guidance, career counselling etc. to empower the women.

We aim to provide opportunities to women to interact with stakeholders and fore-runners from their respective fields/subjects. Also encourage them to gain a practical knowledge and key insights through workshops and programs relating to financial literacy, capital markets, entrepreneurship etc. Our focus is to teach Muslim women about the importance of financial literacy in order to earn income and become self-dependent.

In the light of philanthropic principles of all the Holy scriptures of India including Quran and paying respect to all religions, we believe in the basic and fundamental principles of Islam, which views men and women as equal in status and worth. The same is also enshrined in the constitution of India.


Let's give them an opportunity to bloom



New Delhi, India